This is the view from B's back yard. Can you say OMG gorgeous? Those are the Teton mountains in the distance. B says you can ride there from his house. I am sooo envious of that. I'll post pics later on of these mountains again, the snowmelt was noticeable over the ten days I was there.

Here's Amigo, a Quarter Horse.

And here's Sara the mule and Smooch the solid colored Paint colt.

Later in the day after lunch we went driving to see some of the local scenery on the way out to Rexburg to run a few errands.
JC, this one's for you. This is Robinson Lusitanos, and there were some pretty awesome looking horses there. What a spread!

We drove into the Targhee National Forest. I am sitting here looking at the map but not entirely sure what area we were in. It's SO pretty there, and all the flowers are blooming, I really was just in awe of this place. We stopped and walked back to a lake, hoping to see some wildlife but didn't see any other than the multitude of hungry mosquitoes.
Hey look, a fence (inside joke). ;-)

A view from the walk out to the lake:

The lake, sadly devoid of mooses (this becomes a theme):

A pretty mountain view on the drive back:

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