CS and I went to see the Sex and the City movie late last night. It was good, I liked it, and it was fun to have a girls' night out on the town! I didn't follow the series (because we don't have cable) but that didn't really matter, I was still able to enjoy it. I am looking forward to the new X-Files movie! It has been FAR too long since I have been able to drool over Mulder.... ;-)
I delivered my art to State Fair this morning. I should find out about awards by early August, though I'd be pretty surprised if I get anything. I saw some really fantastic art there, and some stuff that made me think "I really don't understand art." I really don't. I understand my art, and art like mine, but some stuff, I just don't get it. State Fair has always been sort of a weird art show. I think it's tamed down quite a bit over the years, but there were times I'd look at it and just be totally disgusted by it because it's all this weird modern abstract political hoo ha, and maybe I'm just old fashioned but I like aesthetically pleasing art! Anyway, it's hugely competitive, so getting in there is always quite cool and surprises the heck out of me! They want me to be a docent, since I'm fairly local. Hmmm, do I want to do that? Could be neat. Or boring. I need to see if they reimburse gas money though.
After that, I dropped by the Pacific Flyway Decoy Association show. I'd seen a little ad for it at the frame shop last time I was there, otherwise I would not have known about this. I expected it to be a little thing but was totally surprised at what a big show it is and how many people were there. It didn't even dawn on me to take a camera. There were more decoys than I have ever seen, in lots of categories (ducks of course, shorebirds, birds of prey). Some were hunting decoys, some were decorative. There were quite a few artist booths with some really big name people there (duck stamp winners). Amazing stuff. I'd be half tempted to say I might want to show there but I'm pretty deficient in duck art. A non-hunter myself (I have no objection to it, just not something I'm interested in doing) I don't get out into duck-environments too often, or see wild waterfowl other than quite far away (with the exception of mallards), so I don't know the minute details of their feather patterns and whatnot. Perhaps I need a duck-blasting dude to bring me dead stuff to photograph. ;-) I'll add that to the list of qualifications, ha ha. Now if there was ever a chicken stamp competition, oh yeah baby, I'd be all over that one.
The air is getting better, hopefully it'll be decent enough to ride tomorrow. I need to move a bunch of birds around too. I've been thinking a lot about shows and chickens and what I'm going to do. I really would like to go to the National down in Ventura. It's a hugely long drive and I hate to do that because of gas prices, but there will be people there from all over and that's super fun. I could take the art probably pay for the whole trip, though it's a pain in the butt to deal with that and birds. Then again at that time of year I'm not likely to have many showable birds anyway. I'll have to give this some thought.
Hi Katherine! Just stopped by your blog and wanted you to know I definitely vote for you to go to Ventura! I think it's going to be my first show in 5 years, granted I'm less than 3 hours away :-). Unfortunately, I won't have many birds ready either...but it ought to be a little bit of fun! -Mike S.
Hey Mike! Well it's not for lack of wanting to go! Heck I still want to go to all of them. It should be loads of fun. I'll try, I gotta see if I can rustle up someone to travel with I guess. That's a couple hundred $ just in gas money.
I was thinking about it and the last show I went to was probably either Fresno or Roseville in 2002---before all that END drama. I have a LOT (for me, anyways!) of young Black RCs coming up this year from my KP and LM breeding pens---will be interesting to see what turns out! We built a new set of pens modeled slightly after the most recent one on Random Rosecombs, I'll have to send you a couple pictures once I take them. Looks like you had a great time on your vacation, those pictures make me resent living where I do (dirt everywhere and in the 100's allll summer long!). Take care-talk soon! -Mike
Geez, that is a long time since you've shown! Hard to tell yet if I have anything with potential. Maybe, but they're still young, I doubt any of this year's chicks would be showable in October so it depends how the older birds feather out. If I go though my emphasis would probably be more on the art and less on the real live chickens. Then again there might be a better market for chickens these days. ;-)
I had a super duper amazing fantastic vacation and I'm having fun "reliving" it with the blogging. Hey it makes me even less enthusiastic about living here too!
omg! The matboards are looking fantastic! Thank you so much!
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