Yesterday morning I attended a horse show practice for the upcoming Battle of the Barns show (same thing I did last year, yet another silly costume this year). Shylah is a lazy little turd, I definitely know what I need to practice. I suck at jousting! Not real jousting, we don't spear anyone, just have to spear rings off of jump stands but my aim is terrible and Shylah likes to veer off course right at the last second. Ugh. I need to work on that. Will it ever be cool enough to ride again?
And then as if that wasn't enough fun in the sun, I was in a bellydance performance yesterday evening outdoors at the Galt Festival. It was a long performance, I was hardly in any dances and so spent a lot of time at the back of the "stage" trying to keep my smile from melting off, but probably being in few dances was a saving grace anyway considering the weather. Grossness. It was good to get that outfit off and hop in the pool!
So I'm feeling somewhat more back to normal, just been a lot of adjustment. Of course as RS said the other day when I told him I was having a very hard time getting back to normal life, "well isn't that the point, that you don't want to get back to your 'normal life'?" That's an excellent observation, and no I don't want to get back to the uninspired rut in which I tend to find myself sometimes. :-) I have all these ideas and some seriously hare-brained ideas in mind, but I'm also attempting to focus and get done some of the projects on the waiting list so that I'm not holding anyone up while I'm working on upcoming masterpieces.
I framed the scrimshaw "Nude #2" today. How to display these things has been quite the dilemma, lacking woodworking skills with which to make stands, but I think framing will work. I could have gone a bit smaller with this though. It's 4x4.5 inches, and the ivory is velcroed onto the linen backing. I've framed engraving plates this way before. It would look really nice with a bigger scrim piece, like the micarta bears who are over there missing me terribly, I need to get back to them.

And BM you will be pleased to know I have started on your mats. Didn't get too far on this one today but it's a start, and the feather one will be a pretty slow process.

And now back to Yellowstone (well, soon anyway I gotta sort through more pics).
OMG I need to read! JJ loaned me the new Stephanie Plum novel, I need to go live vicariously through her and attempt not to stay up all night reading it (it's happened).
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