Sunday, November 29, 2009

other things

As I was outside in the warm sun today, I was thinking about all the things I was going to write this evening. And now that it's late at night and I'm sitting here in my pj's with a towel on my head and gloves on my hands to keep my fingers from icing up, I can't remember much of what I wanted to say.

It was a relaxing holiday weekend, pretty much. Mom and I were invited to a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner with family friends. We've been getting together with them for many years and it's always fun to visit with them! We've all known each other for almost 25 years.

Yesterday, Mom and I went to a Trans-Siberian Orchestra concert. Years and years ago, on a whim after hearing one of their Christmas songs on the radio, I bought the CD for Mom, because she's a total Christmas song nut and I thought it was a pretty cool rendition of Silver Bells. At first it was like "okay, that's different" but it rapidly became a household holiday favorite. I love the story that it tells (admittedly the first few times I listened to it I didn't realize there was a story!). So after years of missing out on the concert she found out about it with enough advance notice to get good seats this year. It was amazing. Awesome. It's like a Christmas rock concert. People were dressed nice, it was a crowd of all ages, and boy did they put on a show. The light show is every bit as important as the vocal performance. If you ever get a chance, GO!

Today I finally got around to finishing the electric fence. I hadn't touched it for months. OMG I'm done!!! The final pasture, which I did in one fell swoop today (oh what I would do for a back massage!) is my arena, which obviously isn't a real arena, it's a pasture, you know, with grass in it. I may regret hot wiring it. Now when I use it as a riding arena, I will make sure to keep a healthy distance from the rail! Getting scraped off on the fence would have a whole new angle to it now. I'll definitely be sure to unhook that section during riding times! :-/

I started another scrim project today. So I have two going on right now, the last two to be done before Christmas (remember they need to ship out in time to be received by then!). I can't show you the one I just started. I'll tell you it's a pendant and it's a dog but I can't show pics. While I don't think the recipient reads this, enough of this person's relatives are prowling around on here that I think I'd best keep it under wraps til after Christmas! I'll be working on the hand-tool portions of that and the knife while eagerly awaiting the arrival of my compressor oil. Usually I like to do the AirGraver stuff first, but... time's a tickin'. :-)


Anonymous said...

I hope the turkeys do not hit the electric wire. -BMc.

Katherine Plumer said...

They don't. :-)