There are THREE art pieces up for giveaway. They are hand-colored block prints. I did these for a print show at a gallery a few years ago. Each is 3.5 x 5 inches, and is matted to 5 x 7 inches. They are NOT framed. I will ship them anywhere in the US.
Here they are:

"Night Horse" (warm)

"Night Horse" (cool)

How to enter:
You must leave a comment (see below) on this blog posting. You must be identifiable. Initials are fine, as long as you will know who you are. You must live in the US. You can win more than one of them. The winners will be chosen randomly by There will be THREE selections, one for each piece. I will post the winners here after 10pm on Saturday November 28th. I will not notify winners in any other way besides posting it here, so it is your responsibility to check back. Prizes that are unclaimed by 10pm Pacific time on Saturday December 5th will be re-chosen.
Here's the question you have to answer in order to qualify:
What was the first pet you ever had?
You also need to tell me which art pieces you would like to try to win, whether that's just one of them or all of them.
I will leave an example comment, to make this clear.
As promised, an example comment!
My first pet ever that was truly mine was a brown and white hamster named Sunflower. I was five years old. Shortly after obtaining her from the pet store, she had babies. Pink jellybeans is what they looked like to me. She ate them. This was traumatic. I think this is why pet stores now separate the males and females.
I want to win the two Night Horse prints, but not the Buffleheads (for example, or you can want all of them, or one, or whatever).
Hmm, my first pet(s) ever were two hamsters. Actually I think one was supposed to be mine and the other my brother's. Anyways they were both supposed to be girls. Well the "girls" had babies which they did not eat (thankfully). We gave those away and separated the "girls". Later one of them broke out of their cage and into the other cage and we had more babies! I think that is the point when my mom just gave all the hamsters away and finally got me a dog!
I would love to win any of the prints.
Jen C.
my first pet was a tabby cat named nancy. i was two years old. my parents got her for me because i was totally obsessed with cats. my mom always tells the story, of the day we got her: "she came in the front door, ran up the front stairs, and ran down the back stairs."
my favorite is the warm horse :)
We had mostly family pets, and lots of them, so I've always been surrounded by animals. The first that was mine alone was a dachshund-terrier mix pup. I named him Silky Sullivan after a famous race horse. My brother had his full brother, Rebel. I was 10 years old. Silky was really smart, I trained him to be a surrogate horse (which is really what I wanted). He lived to be 15. Rebel finally died when he was 25 or so. Mutts are grand. My brother remained more of a dog person than I am, I got my first horse when I was 13 finally. Bought her for $60.
I don't need to win anything, I already have some wonderful Plumer art, but it was fun to remember Silky, thanks for the cue.
My first family pet was SNowball our dog. I think my first pets I could call my own were a pair of White Silkies. Their names were Oliver and Leslie. Way cool chickens
I would love any of your artwork.
Thanks for the chance
The first pet I remember is our family cat snowflake. He was pure white and very fluffy. I'm told that because I lived in Sacramento all my life and had never seen snow, I would often call the cat "Cornflake". He was very patient with my sister and I, and we have many photos of us with a cat dressed in doll clothes, being pushed around the house in a toy pram.
I would like to win any of the prints, but my favorite is the Night Horse (cool) print.
My first pet of my very own was a mutt dog. I don't really remember him because I think I was 3 years old and he did of worms :(. I do remember though that although the dog was a boy, I named him Lucy.
I would love to win any of the three prints!
Jessica W.
This is Dale.
My first pet, I think, was a little terrier-like dog named Biscuit. I was about 5 years old when we had him. I had a canary as well (yes, the canary was my responsibility, which was a lot for a little kid). But by the time I was 6, we found out that my little brother, 3 years younger than me, was allergic to dogs, cats, feathers, peanuts, milk, strawberries, chocolate, Johnson grass pollen, and wheat mold.
It was a stressful time.
When I was about 10, my parents allowed me to have a little flock of Quail Belgian d'Anvers bantams in the back yard. They weren't exactly pets, but very close.
I love all 3 pieces.
I love the art giveaways!
My first pet was a medium-length haired calico cat, which I named Frisky. She was really sweet, and for whatever reason liked to eat apples. If I took a couple bites out of an apple and held it out, she would eat it. (She wouldn't bite through the apple skin, though.) She ended up having babies inside one of the walls in our house. Dad was NOT happy as he had to tear through part of the wall to get them out.
I also like all of the prints, but especially like the Buffleheads. I love Buffleheads!!!
-Ellie H.
The dog I have now, Slim, is the first pet I have ever owned. (I should say the first pet that has ever owned me). Many animals have come and gone from my life but they have been shared pets. Pets shared with siblings, pets my children brought home but I cared for, etc. Slim is my girl and sticks to me like glue when she is not doing her job of guarding our home. She has taught me what it means to love a pet.
I would love to have any of the three prints. What a great group of prizes you are making available.
My first pet ever was my dog Bo. he was a Springer and Irish Setter cross which made him all black except a small white patch on his chest. I got him at when i was 9 as a puppy and he past 12 years later after a great life living through Parvo and bone spirs for much of his adult life where i trained and showed him in 4-H events at local county and then the state fair. he was the best dog ever.
I would take any of them.
Thanks Katherine they are all wonderful pieces of art.
Megan F. Lodi, CA.
My first pet was a imaginary dog named Paco. I my imagination he looked a lot like a terrier (maybe a smooth fox or rat terrier). We then got a real dog and her name was Jax. She was a German Shorthaired Pointer. Mostly brown and not a great hunter, but a good guard dog. She hated the show ring, but was a good beginner dog for me in 4-H. I guess she was the family dog, but I spent the most time with her. The first animal that I had all of my own was a parakeet that flew into our garage and we caught it. His name was Perro. He lived a long time, but Jax lived longer. I did have hamsters once. I went through three before finding the right one that I liked from the store. The second one we called Jesse Owens cuz it sure knew how to jump out of my hands and RUN! I want to win the buffleheads especially, but put me in for all three. Love your work! -BMc
My first pet(s) were barn pigeons. My older brothers would sneak over to the cotton gin across the street and "capture "them. They were considered nuisances and that was a different matter, I loved those birds. They ate from my hand and firmly set my love for all things feathered at 5 years of age.
I want to win the buffleheads!!!
The first pet I remember is an Irish Setter named "Katie." She was huge, I was four. We gave her away when we moved. We had a gerbil when we lived in Pennsylvania, but gave her away when we moved. Had a dog from 10 years to 20 years old. In adulthood, I prefer cats. I had a cat from the end of college to marriage. The cat I have now is a gray tabby named "Misty."
I would love to win either one or both of the horse images. If I win, I'm sending it to my cousin, Nancy Louise White, who is an equine vet in Texas.
My first pet was a female German Shepherd named Heidi. My dad bought her home as a puppy about a month after I was born. I have a great pic of us both winning a ribbon (I'm pretty sure anyone who bought a pet got a ribbon) at a local fair. She was a great dog.
I'd be honored to win any of the artwork, Im into waterfowl, and the my wife Kelly is the horse person in the house.
-jim e.
Hmmm...I have to remember WAYYYYY back... I think my very first pet was actually a bug. I figure that a pet is something you give a "name" to, so that should count, right?
I had discovered about a million Praying Mantises(mantids)in the back yard, and naturally, I proceeded to adopt and name them all (I was about three or four years old). We had interesting bugs in New Zealand, and so I was a busy kid!
My father was having a business guest come to the house, and knowing *me* he stated specifically that I should'nt to bring any of them into the house...I remember thinking "wow, what a good idea".....
The business woman arrived, and I was back in the house just in time to "introduce her" to all my new friends! I had placed Praying Mantises ALL OVER ME. I told her my name, and then gave her the name of every Praying Mantis on me, from head to toe. I was covered in moving, crawling bugs - I can still see her horrified face, and I got into soooooo much trouble - but it was worth it! LOL. I was sent outside to release them all back into the wild, but I remember them being out there for a long time.
My fingered are crossed! I would most hope to win the Night Horse (Cool) or the Buffleheads prints.
This is such a neat thing - thank you Katherine!
Hey CS, I did not know you were from New Zealand! That is such a way cool fact about you! -BMc.
PS-does anyone know when elections are coming up for PPBA?
Okay I have to chime in here. CS that is hilarious!!! BM, they're going on now, I think. I have a newsletter somewhere I can email you. I'm no longer a member so I'm pretty out of the loop but sometimes people forward me stuff.
My first pets were a pair of rabbits. A white doe and a black buck. They had one large hutch seperated in the middle (so they couldn't get together). One night raccoons tore the hutch door off. The rabbits were OK. The buck had escape into the doe's hutch. Five bunnies later!!
I am a big fan of your Blog and art. I also raise Rosecombs and would like to win the Buffleheads.
Steve from RI
The first pet that was mine and not a family pet, was a christmas present when I was 6. I got two boxes of roller pigeons, a total of 16. Out of that I picked out the one almost solid white one (red splash) for my favorite. His name was Chucky, and I had him 9 years until he died of old age.
I wouldn't mind any of them but really like the buffleheads!
Anthony C.
No comments written after this one will be used for picking winners.
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