The Lookouts placed third in the art show. Not too shabby! Voting was all by people's choice, so for itty bitty art to place in a show where the winners were mostly enormous isn't bad at all.
I went on two birdwatching tours, one on Friday evening (as the cranes fly in for the night) and one this afternoon (not much to see mid-afternoon). But I now know the prime locations to go back to on my own some evening (or morning) with full bird nerd paraphernalia (camera, binoculars, tripod, telescope, bird books). I will show you the best photos I took though. All shot with a Nikon D80 camera ("The Beast") at 400mm, with the exception of the sunset over the water, which was shot at 62mm.

I really like the last photo! -BMc
OKay, what is you had a hat pin or a regular pin that was ivory or was metal with an ivory end. You could scrim on that right? And then you could enter the miniature show. And if they had to use a microscope to see it, you would probably win! -BMc.
Cool pics! (And my God what a lot of parentheses!) ;-)
Thanks (by the way I like parentheses, I think it's a sickness, I probably need help).
mmmmm awww - must follow this blog, can't wait to see what you will do next - peace for all
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