My fantastic, kindhearted, generous, brilliant neighbor took the turntable and drill press table home with him for a weekend, cut down the circumference of the drill press table, permanently mounted the turntable to the drill press, and brought it back looking like this (the ball vise is not in place in these pics):

Glee! So much better. I can sit like a normal person when working, also thanks to the new chair I bought, which I think is the perfect engraving chair (I'll totally endorse it, it's the Casdin Luxura chair from Staples, love it).

Now I just need to learn how to engrave. Okay, one step at a time...
I remembered to photograph the leaf today:

My brother J came over with the cutest baby in the universe today. I have to share this cuteness with you. Last time she saw my horses she wasn't old enough to be aware of them. Oh that's changed! She's almost 7 months old now, and I think I'll be able to turn her into a horse-crazy little girl no problem! The cuteness overwhelms me! :-) By the way those are not my hands in the second pic.

I've signed up for two birding tours at the crane festival this weekend. Brace yourself for full bird nerd mode!!!
That looks a bit like a Dalek on a pedestal...
Can't wait to see the fabulous engraving work that comes out of your new...engraving...stand? (Is that what you'd call it?)
And, ohhh my gosh, your niece is the cutest thing ever!! You can just see by the glee in her face that she's a horse girl already!
Yep, I'm betting she's already sold on horses for life.
Oh right, I could tell right away those were Lindsay's hands.
Dougzilla- I had to google that. Ooookay.
Sarah- the whole setup would be called the engraving bench (for some reason engravers like to say bench and not table or desk). The drill press stand becomes part of the engraving bench. I guess.
Jan- HA! I only wrote that because someone asked me, and I had to say no my arms aren't THAT hairy. Them be J's arms.
Your "warning" and the hairy arms made me chuckle :-). And YES, I would almost say your niece is the gosh darn cutest baby on the planet, except that both my sisters would likely disown me if I actually said that...I have to say, she is however, a close runner-up to my own nieces, as Bella and Kailey currently hold that title (LOL).
I hope the festival was a good one! We stayed home and built coops, so I didn't make it (next year, though). I can't wait to hear about your crane adventures!
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