Okay, I've done as many as I can do, and this will fill the walls. These will be hung at 4 Paws Pet Boutique (19th and Capitol, Sacramento) tomorrow afternoon. I will be there Saturday evening for the Second Saturday art walk, though likely taking off a bit early.
I will be photographing/scanning these individually tomorrow, but this is:
top row l-r: Jingles, Brutus, Turtle, Max, Beemer
middle row (dogs) l-r: Sunny, Kirk, Rambo, Ella, Bob
bottom row (cats) l-r: Hardy, Tempura, Patches, Mocha

I'm exhausted.
You deserve much success on these paintings. You have a great feel for these animals and the style you developed tells a story on each face.Beacoup kudos kiddo.
Thank you Aaron!!! :-)
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