Thursday, November 18, 2010

here's what'll happen

Yes, the blog is still having problems. I know.

Things are in progress with moving all the stuff. I jumped the gun a little and complicated one part of this, so it'll be probably a week or two before the domains (and the blog) actually change to the new host. They're still on the old host until then. Yes, this is a real pain in the posterior.

But here's the really important thing: If you have me in your email address book, and it's with an earthlink email addy, I need you to update that to or Whichever makes you happy, they end up in the exact same place, so pick one or the other. The earthlink addresses will stop working soon. If you use the addy, you can keep using it.

I probably will not be blogging much until things are all squared away. I'm tired of wasting time wrestling with the internet, so unless I have something really fantastic to say, I'll see ya on the flip side.

3 comments: said...

HEY! I can see your blog! WHOOYOOOO :-).

Jan Blawat said...

I've tried twice today and your blog not only appears, but it appears (for the first time in years) almost instantly!!! I think I'm going to like this change.

Katherine Plumer said...

That's funny, because it's still going to be 2-3 days until things switch over. ;-)