I'm on the new host now, though evidently it may take the internet another day to fully grasp that fact. If, after another 24 hours or so, there are still any blog problems, I'm going to have a cow. Because then it'll mean that somehow I messed things up. Let's hope not. If you happened to pop in here any time between last night and this morning, you may have noticed that all the images were gone. Oops! All better now. :-)
Hey, why is my air compressor going off (going on? making noise?). The airgraver is off. Hmmm, is there an air leak?! [goes over to investigate] I don't know. I don't hear/feel anything but maybe I'd better put a hose clamp on the one unclamped connection tomorrow. That's very odd for the compressor to be doing anything when the handpiece isn't running.
Anyway, I hope people can finally read this thing again. I have scrimshaw to post soon and will be doing a drawing work in progress starting very soon. Not much excitement to report. It's been getting cold ("cold" by north central CA standards, it's 36 outside right now).
In keeping with blog tradition, I give you my first poultry art, and wish you and yours a very happy Thanksgiving!

You should check the thingbonger in the ramafram for the leak...
Or, as the popular saying goes, "WWOD? (What would Olin do?)".
Morning! ;-)
Your poultry art from 1983 was a genuine precursor to your evolving, spectacular talent!
You know, I think I look forward to seeing that Hand Turkey painting of yours each year! "Glad the blog is working again, yahhhhheee!
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