Wednesday, May 24, 2006

La dee da

It's going to be a miracle if this posting actually survives. Exploder was telling me that cookies were disabled (um, no they're not, I haven't touched the cookies and they worked beforehand!) so I've resorted to writing this one in Netscrape 4.7. It looks really really weird. We'll see...

Still no good news on the computer. I talked to Apple directly and was told that "most backorders are filled in ten business days or less." Well, even that would put it into early June. They said if it takes longer than ten business days "there are steps we can take." I am not sure what that means but I think we're gonna be taking some steps... I have work to do!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It doesn't really occur to me to take photos lately since I can't post them on here at the moment. Not that anything exciting is going on anyway.

I moved the oldest batch of chicks outdoors today. Dang I have a lot to get rid of, I wish I could get rid of them now but they are too little to take to auction.

I am almost done with a drawing that I am entering in Draft Horse Classic. When I am able to scan it and post it here I will do so. I feel a bit guilty for drawing horses instead of chickens but it's a necessity, that's a very important show for me.

I attended an art club meeting tonight and we learned about drawing caricatures. Those are tough. Mine ended up looking more cartoony than caricature-ish (is there a difference? I guess overly-accentuating features isn't something I do well). Maybe I'll post those here some day too.

When I was backing up all the files off the hard drive I realized I never posted any of the figure drawings I did either... I could do that too some day. Should I add fig leaves? I suppose some people might find them offensive. I don't, it's art..but hey, whatever....

Enough rambling, I think I'll hit the publish button and see if this thing self destructs.

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