The chick has hatched! (just to remind you, I've been photographing the same egg for the last ~3 weeks of incubation, this is the result of that one egg). There were 7 hatched by this morning (a LOT more on the way!) and I'd say from the looks of it this little guy was probably the second oldest (based on fluffiness!). How do I know it's a boy? All the cuckoo colored ones from that particular breeding pen are male, it's a sex-linked color. Cute isn't he? I didn't think I'd be able to get a decent pic while he's still inside the hatcher but it turns out if I put the camera at just the right angle I can take a successful flash photo through the Plexiglas door. It's 99.1 degrees in there, 65% humidity.
1 comment:
Very cute :-)
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