I know you're all chomping at the bit to see the finished lion knives too. Trust me, I'm chomping at the bit to send them out of here and show you, but my client is currently on safari (yes, like in Africa) so I have to wait til he gets some. Soon...
Other than a drawing which I need to start chipping away at, I don't think I'm going do any more commissioned work until after the Jackson Hole show in mid September. I really need to focus on creating work for that, because right now I have hardly anything to take with me. I do have several more commissions lined up, but I've told everyone they'll have to wait. We'll see how that works out... There is a project I finished not too many months ago that might be coming back to me to have more work done on another part... I'm not sure right now how this will pan out, but there may be another looming deadline involved so, yeah, we'll see.
I'm getting pretty excited about going to Wyoming. I need to get my schedule all figured out and make travel arrangements. I get to see my friend BK again, and I'm so excited! We'll have a blast visiting Yellowstone again. :-) But this time I want to get photographic proof of a moose!
Anyway, here are some random photos for you!
Tis the season for frogs in the house:


Dead magpie in the pasture. Did you know that the yellow-billed magpie is found only in a fairly small portion of California? The rest of the country has the black-billed magpie (aka American magpie). We do not have the black-billed magpie here. This reminds me of a few years ago when West Nile Virus first spread to this area, the magpie population dropped a lot. As did scrub jays, I found so many dead or dying scrub jays that first summer. Who knows what happened to this bird.

Soon, peaches! I can't wait!:

A feather in the pasture. I'm going to guess it's from a white-tailed kite, but I can't be sure. Just a hunch based on color and the fringey softness (very much like an owl feather in that regard):

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