I was hoping there would be a birthday party pic from when he was a year old or something, but alas no, so I settled for this other cute one. I'm sure he's just thrilled that I have access to the baby pictures, bwahaha!!
(I think our parental units are fashion-impaired, and sadly I inherited it. Somehow I'm happy to see that I was not the only child subjected to green pants though.)

If you don't already read my brother's blog, you should. He's "I'm doing work - really" over there in the right sidebar. The sense of humor runs in the family, but I he's much more witty than I am. ;-) If only my other brother would blog too!
I was happy for both of my siblings to start blogs. As quickly as they started to blog, they stopped blogging. Pooh!
You have me wondering if I put my children in green pants. I am fairly certain that I did.
Happy Birthday to your bro!
Happy Birthday D! - BMC.
BTW, I still like marigolds (or are those zinnias? Not sure). I take no responsibility for the Toughskins.
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