Saturday, May 02, 2009

pictures today

I needed to stop and smell the roses today, so to speak. So I wandered around after the rain with my munchkin camera and took a few photos.

And then there's this one from tonight. I'm totally insanely oogly googly over frogs and toads. Seriously. I adore them, they make me giddy, I'm instantly back to six years old when I see them. I don't remember seeing frogs and toads much (ever?) as a little kid in San Diego or Redmond (WA) but when we moved back to California and were looking at houses in 1985, I kept seeing these tree frogs as well as baby toads at the places we looked. And that became my criteria. (Hey, I was six!) So when we went to the big ranch where I grew up, and I discovered the entire front yard was full of hundreds of baby toads, it was love at first sight, I didn't even go with my family to see the rest of the property as far as I remember, just stayed in the yard. So imagine my extreme glee at finding baby tree frogs hopping all over the back sidewalk this evening. Glee! So teeny and adorable! I randomly selected this one and brought it into the kitchen and took its photo, then put it back outside with its siblings. Sadly, I rarely see toads anymore, but the tree frog population seems to be doing well around here.


Anonymous said...

It's true, what she says about toads and the ranch...

Anonymous said...

Aw so cute! - BM