The new winner has TEN DAYS to email me to claim the prize. kplumer1 @ (remove spaces). Not reading blog = losing out on winning! Sort of a "winner must be present to win" kind of thing.
I will resubmit all names to the random generator... okay, off I go to do that now...
Here ya go!

Ellie wins the rooster! I need to hear from you by 10pm on September 13th!
I WON THE ROOSTER!!!!! Wow, Katherine-That's awesome!!! It must've been the "Stumpy" story-She brought me good luck! I can't wait to hang him on the wall- So COOL! What do we do now? You need my address?!? Thanks- this is very exciting!-Ellie
Yay! Enthusiastic winners make my day! Just email me your shipping address and I'll ship it next week some time. :-)
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