I finally ordered some new business cards. They won't have a chicken on them. Gasp! Yes, it seemed like time, besides I really wanted to emphasize the scrimshaw. So I'm trying out one of those online places where you upload your design and they mail the items. We shall see.
Conveniently I get to do a little comparison with another online printing place, because last month I won a drawing for 250 free custom printed postcards. I've been working on my design (to advertise scrim) but really would like to include one of these turkey grips if I can finish up by next Monday. Hmmm.... I'm really pushing to get these done but there are only so many dots a person can make in a day before it's bed time again.
I have applied again for the miniature show in Jackson Hole. They hardly take any new people each year, but it's worth a try. It may take a lifetime but I'm determined to be in that show (okay, and I really really really want to go back to Jackson Hole!). I'll know by March.
Reminder to me: print portfolio pics.
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