Remember, tomorrow evening is the opening reception for the chicken art show in Fair Oaks! (details are a few postings back). I will be there after about 6:30pm. Come visit me!
This morning's ride was interesting. I headed out through the corn stand and was greeted by a couple of horse-crazy little girls. Shylah's a sucker for attention so I walked up to them and let them pet her for a few minutes. It's always great to be told how pretty one's horse is. :-) Went out and did a big loop, and she had stupid issues in one location, which is the same place she freaked out about the guys working in the field about a week ago. There was nobody out there today so I'm really not sure what the problem was, perhaps she was anticipating getting scared again? Whatever, I made her do circles and figure 8s and go up and down and up and down the side of the levee until she decided it was less trouble to just go forward without doing that little rear-strike grumpy horse maneuver or trying to break into a trot. Finished the ride by coming back alongside the highway (for the first time, I've been reluctant to do that)..she was a bit leery of the cars when the road level was way higher than her head (trail is down next to road) but okay when everything was within site and level with her. Some guy whistled! I am not sure whether I should be flattered or offended. I hardly think I'm whistle-worthy, but hey, I'll take it. ;-)
Looks like a scrub jay in the making. I love scrub jays. JJ
What a curious bird!
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