Sunday, September 24, 2006


Well, I am back from Draft Horse Classic! I'm waaaayyyy too tired to write much tonight, but after quickly adding things up it looks like I had my best year ever. Woo hoo! That surprised me, since it started out really slow for me. Thursday was a waste of time, Friday wasn't much better, but the weekend picked up a lot. "Oregon Wade" and "The First of Spring" both placed third in their classes, and "Oregon Wade" sold. Since it's an etching, there are still more originals available though (19 more!) I'll have to tally everything up and see what did best, but off the top of my head I'm going to say the chicken art did better than the horse art, we'll see.

I had a lot of fun this year, my booth was in a different location, and it's amazing how different parts of the building have different personalities, I was in a WAY more fun area this time around and I will definitely request that location next year!

I'll have some pics later.



Dan said...

sounds like we both had a fun weekend....

Anonymous said...

congrats, kath!!! that's absolutely wonderful to hear. great work.

on the subject of art- i recieved a GORGEOUS little something from you in the mail today. it absolutely made my day and i hung it up on my wall where I can look at it all the time. I don't think I own any art that I like as much as this piece... And the frame is wonderful!! i love it! And I so owe you!!

Katherine Plumer said...

Hey Allison! Wow, can't believe it took that long to get there! I'm soooo glad you like it in person, it makes MY day to hear that!!! :-)