There was writing, though that was pretty much only in conjunction with art (writing and illustrating kids books). I think I probably started wanting to do this when I was a kid myself, and I remember still thinking about it in high school, but then I kinda lost interest. Maybe lack of exposure to kids, maybe I can't write that simply! I had teachers in elementary school who swore I would write a novel some day. I doubt that. Short stories perhaps, but I think a novel would drive me insane, plus there's nothing I can say that would take that long.
There have also been times at which I wanted to be a teacher. Second grade comes to mind. What little girl in that class didn't want to grow up to be just like our wonderful teacher. Probably sixth grade was the last time it crossed my mind. I couldn't handle it!
I also wanted to be veterinarian. This was from maybe age 4-6 or so. What a cool job, getting to be around animals all day. But then on the ranch I saw the things that weren't cute little puppies and kittens... the births, the deaths, the emergencies, the stitches, the castrations. With a soft heart and a weak stomach, it didn't seem like such a good idea anymore.

I drew this in kindergarten. I have to explain this a bit though, because it looks like I'm doing something strange with that dog (YES, that's a dog, I remember being very specific about that). But actually what it's doing is jumping gleefully over my outstretched arm. What can I say, kindergartners don't know about foreshortening and perspective!
I remember in preschool that I drew people very differently than my classmates. They would draw a head, and then the arms and legs would all connect to the head, so people had no bodies. I drew bodies. I remember trying very hard to explain this to one of my friends and she couldn't understand it, she said her drawing looked just like mine. Weird how people perceive things differently.
Anyway, in other news...
Dusty was fine this morning, he stood nicely and didn't do anything stupid. Woo hoo! One lesson learned.
Still not done cleaning chicken coops, it was 99 degrees today (ugh!).
Blue Silkies are done!! :-)
There seem to be two frogs living in the potted plant now. I am going to laugh if they start croaking during the meeting!
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