No horse riding news today, E called and said she wasn't feeling well, and since it was a million degrees anyway I decided to skip it. Instead I went over to W.T.'s and met her new filly "Sugar" who is 1 day old. So cute! She was sleeping while I was over there, with her nose mashed against the floor.

I was going to take a picture of Sampson too, he's actually turned out rather handsome, but he was way out in the pasture.
I got the new fly sheets today. I pity the horses for having to now wear plaid but I think they'll work. I am going to get some velcro and redo the belly strap though, I still think it's pretty stupidly constructed.
I ordered frames this morning for two of the Standard drawings. They are not a matched set (it's too females, same breed but different varieties) but since they are going to the same person I tried to frame them quite similarly, and similar to some of my other artwork that this buyer already owns. Since I've seen the location where he's going to hang them, I felt pretty confident picking out frames, and went a little more bold with color than I normally would if I don't know a buyer all that well. I generally will keep frame and mat colors fairly neutral but I went with some bold color this time and I think it's going to work out really well.
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