Anyway. I'm still alive. I am very close to done with the engraving that I have been working on, and when I get close to finished with a piece it's ALL I WORK ON. Of course that means I've been neglecting the other 52 projects I'm supposed to be doing (that counts all 50 chicken paintings separately) so that's not such a good thing, but it'll all get done. Sigh. I cannot believe how long this engraving is taking. That's okay, I'm not tired of it, I'm just kind of astounded. It does take longer than scrim. The dots are smaller because you can get more detail on metal.
For your entertainment though I will leave you with more bird photos. These were all taken in the last three days through various windows of the house with the Nikon D80.
He's not a very good guard tiger:

Yellow-rumped warbler at the moment of flying from the tree:

Mockingbird + half an inch of rain = soggy!

White-crowned sparrow:

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