It really is amazing to think about the process of hatching (note, a chick does NOT hatch all nice and fluffy! They are wet and and kinda gross when they hatch! This one is about 48 hours old.):

In other news, Sampson, the colt I boarded for the last year, went home on Sunday. I think Shylah misses him. She hung out by the gate next to Gwen all day, which she hasn't done for a LONG time. She's been quiet and not neighed for him though. He'll be back for the occasional play date and some training sessions in the round pen, but he'll get to see his owner a lot more often now since he's with her other horses. So it works out well. I don't know what his measurements are now but he's a tank. When he came here he was the same height as Shylah (about 14 hands at the time) and now he towers over Gwen. There may be another horse moving in for boarding (not sure of the duration yet). More details if it happens... Here's a pic of Sampson though:

ok, that wig, and that idea... me thinks your not getting enough sleep!
Allison came buy and picked up a box of chicks and she has more hatching here! Today is the day my eggs should start, keep your fingers crossed.
You know, it really seemed like a good idea at the time... Oh well!
I will keep my fingers crossed for your chickens, I'm chanting "sebrights! sebrights!"
Actually, I thought you were making fun of my genuine plastic hairpiece. Or that your hair had turned gray overnight. It's very cute. Can it be styled?
No, your genuine plastic hairpiece looks pretty! I suppose I could style this into a Rapunzel-type thing. Or use it to stuff some throw pillows. Or make a lovely bird nest. Or knit a scarf. Or re-twist it into what was once a perfectly functional rope...
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