Saturday, April 03, 2010

oh, right, blogging, yeah...

Whoops! Sometimes I just kinda forget to say anything for a while. Busy, boring, you name it. I've mostly been working on taxes the last few days, sitting on the floor surrounded by ever-changing stacks of paperwork. Progress...

I'm starting to make plans for the two ginormous road trips of the summer, and boy oh boy do I have a lot of work to do.

Angus the dog is doing well. Still working on his major separation anxiety, but I think he's improved some. He and I have also had some serious discussions about how chasing cats and chickens is simply not acceptable. I think he'll grasp the concept and hopefully he and I won't have to have that discussion too many more times. I tell ya, sometimes it's like someone flips the switch and mister calm lazy dog is off like a rocket. Who knows what lurks in his past. I have to say I'm kind of enjoying walking him. 2 miles a day, it feels good. I wave at everyone who drives past. Most of them wave, but a few give me weird looks. I mean, this is the country, nobody walks dogs in the country. (I'm serious.) But, the looks are less weird than when I take my horse for a walk!

I did finish my scrim pendant portrait of Olin (finally!). I'll try to post that tomorrow, and hopefully get back to regularly scheduled blogging pretty soon.


Sharon said...

Taxes, oh, fun. Every year we say we will keep all the slips in various envelopes, to make it easier next year. Hasn't happened so far.

I think Angus is so gorgeous! Yes, who knows what lurks in a dog's mind? I really think they are as devious as a cat, just not as fickle.

Have a great day!

dougzilla said...

Well, when I was living in Manhattan, I saw one person walking a cat, and another walking a ferret... So walking a dog probably isn't so strange... :-)

Anonymous said...

I am with Dougzilla, at least you are not walking a dodo or something like an elephant! -BMc.

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