This is what happens when I have to decorate cookies. It's fun to make them pretty, but my warped sense of humor also comes out:

Last night Mom and Jan and I went to "A Winter Night's Yodel" which is a bluegrass/old timey musical performance held in Sutter Creek. I think I've been to this four times. There used to be other musicians involved, and I miss them, but it's still a great show! Left to right on stage is Cactus Bob, Sourdough Slim, Prairie Flower, Michael P. Kennedy, and Robert Armstrong. I confess to having a ginormous crush on the feller in the dark brown hat. Oh those dimples! ;-)

Four days to finish the scrimshaw piece I'm working on. Can I do it in two? I'd like to have a little break! It's looking fabulous, can't wait to show you!
Hey, that's a lot better picture than I got on my iPhone. I did get a fair recording of the yodeling number, though. I'll email it to you. It was a fun evening, thank you! The tree seems vaguely familiar, too.
Hmm - I'll bet Mom is pretty pleased about those cookies as well... ;-)
I think it's safe to say that Mom prefers the more artistic ones versus the more wordy ones. But she is jealous that I can fit "Hanukkah" on there and she could only write "ho ho".
LOL about the cookie verbiage!
The tree looks great! You found a good one :-)
P.S. Send me the Blue Grass link! How fun!
I found you through a blog search for people interested in poultry. Seems you're like me. Start a blog on chickens and talk about everything and...
I'll be around...~Randy
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