Check out those ice crystals! The top photo is an extreme closeup.

Frozen puddle. The waterers all froze too, but they thaw pretty quick once the sun rises (or I pour hot water on them, depends on the weather).

Jessie's foot print on the deck:

Cutest cat in the universe:

Shylah says, "you think this is cold? Wimp." (She was born in Canada).

Cool pics! (Yes, I know that was a pun). I think you took our winter away from us. It was about 50 degrees this morning. Very strange...
I loved the frost covered berries. Do you know what they were? You should sell those as christmas cards! - BMC
Plant-nerdy flatmate says that it's wintergreen.
Ooh, sorry plant-nerdy flatmate, but it's Heavenly Bamboo.
Heavenly Bamboo, what a lovely name! great pics,so crisp.Keep warm.
Ooh, that was my guess! I out plant-nerded Robin! Woohoo!
And you'll never let him let that down, I'm sure. I hope he recovers. ;-)
Holy macaroni! I had no clue I would stir up such a conversation. But honestly, I kinda doubted the wintergreen suggestion for they do not have red berries around Katherine's yard. And I suspect that she would have already tried to make jam out of it, if it were actually wintergreen. Tell me if I am wrong. -BMC.
BMc, you lost me. That plant with the red berries is in the yard. There are no wintergreen plants here.
The 'Frost' photos are really great compositions, especially the frost crystals photo as it resembles mineral crystals of quartz..I will be off to the 'Arctic' this July again for collecting mammoth ivory. You are welcome to join us in Kotzebue for a time although I will be in field for probably three months, collecting. I am buying a new boat and motor to explore the villages and camping on beaches on the way. I have a friend already in the team effort, arriving from Germany but most of the time it will be 'solo' for me. I will be searching your scrimshaw works that you publish and excited to see compositions you come up with. Bill (also check 'Burnt Marshmallows' camping site as has four thousand guests that hold a photo display and camping stories.) This can open up a myriad of contacts and new friends...
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