I had one piece in the competition, a little scrim called "Waiting for the Boss." It got second place, woo hoo!

The booth turned out pretty nice, though it turned out a little more crowded than I had anticipated when I planned it out on paper. Oh well, it still worked. I don't have quite enough stuff to justify getting a 10x20 booth, but it's a little too much for a 10x10. If I could get a 10x15, that would probably be perfect, but that's not an option! Guess I'll have to have a sale and get rid of some things so I can spread it all out a little more next time! ;-)
Here's the booth:

I spent a fair amount of time sitting at the microscope working on scrimshaw, which is hard in that situation, and of course I didn't get all that much done because I spent a lot of time talking to people, explaining scrim, and selling things! I'm glad I brought that stuff though, people were really fascinated with the scrimshaw, and every person who I manage to educate even a little bit, well... it all helps.
To my extreme delight, this was actually the best show I've ever had. Yay! Maybe there's hope for the economy after all? And again, the chicken art is what brings the people in! Gotta update my website soon and put "sold" on a few originals!
Lots of people came to visit me at the show. Thank you to all of you, you know who you are, you're very special to me. :-) And one of the highlights for me was seeing some faces I hadn't seen for a LONG time. I had been thinking about how much I missed some of the artists who used to show there when I started out in 2002, back when I was a "newbie". Well several of those artists happened to visit the show this year, and it was sooo good to see them!
Here's me and Sheri Greves Neilson, who I hadn't seen for a zillion years. She first gave me the nickname "The Chicken Lady" at Draft Horse Classic way back when. That used to be the name of this blog too...

Here's me and Ruth Deoudes. She was my first booth-neighbor back in 2002 and we instantly struck up a friendship. She still shows there, and even though we only see each other once a year we're great friends!

So yeah, it was a great show, a great weekend. I had a good feeling about things... I was right. ;-)
I am so glad the show turned out so well! I am bummed I didn't make it like I had hoped. You know, you really do have a nice booth - I like how the walls and lights showcase your work. I think I have missed it each time you tear it down, so I am not sure how it all comes apart. Are the walls heavy?
Ok. I am a dork, haha. Serves me right for posting first before making it down to the next post and reading that one....I answered my own question! Hehe.
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