Speaking of hard work (yup, you know I'm going to talk about it):
Fence update:
Top rails: done! Gloriously done. Due to fence posts that lean and top boards that are warped, I'm not going to say the fences all make entirely straight lines, but... it's an improvement. I went through a lot of wire, pulled out a lot of screws and nails that were falling out anyway, got a really fabulous farmer's tan (oh goody, she says), and every square inch of me is extremely sore.
Hot wire: got all the stuff today. Also got lots of silly comments from TSC employees ("gee, think you've got enough insulators in there?" "Save some for other people too!") I got two ground rods pounded in 4.5 feet each (they are 6 foot poles). The other was more stubborn, still have another foot to go. Ouch. I am soooo not looking forward to this, but can't wait to be done, and need to be done asap before the horses pop all the new staples out of the fence.
I had a strange moment today. I saw someone at the store who I used to know until he dropped off the planet (Mr. "I'll call you on Friday" who never did). I would have been perfectly happy to say hello, or just wave, but I don't think I've ever seen someone so obviously determined not to make eye contact. Weird. Sometimes I just don't understand people. Something to keep in mind: don't end things awkwardly with someone you're likely to run into again. I KNEW that was going to happen.
I do understand sleep though, so I think I'll go do that.
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