Monday, August 07, 2006

late night chicken art

I just finished the White Naked Neck drawings. (Gosh, and it's not 12:30!) That's the last of the pure-white birds, which is a relief. The rest are all more colorful, which makes them a bit more interesting, and also keeps me from having to go gung-ho on making a background. It's amazing how many colors go into making white.. I seem to do things differently every time but these have, let's see... 7 layers of color in the darkest shadow areas (sorry, can't post pics). Up close and personal you'd think they'd be way too dark, but step back and it just looks white! Weird.

So I start another pair tomorrow... Red Naked Necks I guess. (hmm, I think all these words are going to lead to some interesting search results at some point...)

Today was actually kinda fun, I knew I was on schedule so I went out and picked blackberries, where I was assisted by sisters E and L, and they came over and I taught them to make Blackberry Kuchen. It was great, I didn't have to do anything! I snagged a few pieces for dessert and send them home with the rest.

Shylah was a brat tonight. I guess we all have our bratty days.

Sleepy time.

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