Friday, August 04, 2006

Interesting Things

For any new readers, here's how this feature works.. I own two web domains, and I am able to access stats that tell me what keywords people put into search engines that brought them to either of my domains. Mostly these things make sense, most people going to the rosecomb site are in search of chicken coops, and the biggest draw to the art site is horse drawings. So it helps me figure out how to set up my site and where I need to get the right words on there. But there are also some mighty strange things that get put into search engines. Sometimes I can't for the life of me figure out how it ended up with my website as a result, but more often they are just so funny I have to share them. So without further ado.. Well, July was kind of boring.

"bouffant parrots infected" I thought bouffant meant sort of puffy?
"chicken lady day" There really should be, international Chicken Lady Day, in celebration of chicken ladies everywhere. Actually, "chicken lady" comes up a lot in the searches, I wonder why... is there something I'm not aware of? Hmm.
"fetish clinic training" Seriously, they have clinics??
"the chicken lady blog" I wonder if this really meant mine!!
"how to foil a sculpture" As in, aw shucks, foiled again? How bout a dramatic foil?

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