"Game Fowl #5"
2.5 by 3.5 inches
colored pencil and graphite on gray Stonehenge paper
for sale
Why am I making these instead of working on other commissions? Because I can't get into anything that takes more than a few hours, since the time windows I'm dealing with are pretty short. It's too complicated to try to work on another large project. These are quickies, and the only person who gets to have input on them is me (what a relief!). :-)
I am still trying, somewhat unsuccessfully, to get these things onto an auction site... error with registration, long story, very frustrating, hopefully will be resolved at some point. Bleh.
I am starting work on Blue Silkies tomorrow. Aaaaack, I am still trying to figure out exactly how to create that fuzzy look. Might need to bust out the watercolors in order to put down a "base coat" of slate gray so I don't get the tan paper showing through. I need to do more experimenting....
why do i get the illustrationt that will be an experiment? lol
these little gamecock cards are cool...
You're just lucky I guess! Actually, in some way they are ALL an experiment... every one of them has some aspect of "gee, I wonder what'll happen if I..." Never the same thing twice! Silkies just present a different sort of challenge. Usually it's color, now it's texture AND color. Don't worry, if I mess them up too much I'll redo them. :-)
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