I've been busy, as usual. Seem to be back in the swing of things with Standard drawings, but also trying to look ahead and get stuff done for shows and life-after-Standard.
I got a Wacom tablet for Christmas, and I've had loads of fun playing (I mean working!) with that. Such a cool thing, and it's going to come in SOOO handy for digitally editing artwork--beats the heck out of trying to draw with the mouse!
I know this is slightly advance notice, but I'll be showing my artwork in a local coffee shop in November/December 2006. And I think I'll have artwork in a local doctor's office in July and August. More details in a few months... :-)
Ok, now the Cuckoopix (sounds like something Kellogg's would make, doesn't it?)
I know this will look like a whole lot of birds, but there are 3 Cuckoo cockerels, 2 Crele cockerels, 5 (I think) Cuckoo pullets, 3 Black pullets, and 1 Crele pullet. As a reminder, these are Dominique X Rosecomb. The cuckoos are from Black RCs, the Creles are from BBRed RCs. The plan is to make Cuckoo RCs. The Creles were an experiment. They have all turned out MUCH better than I anticipated. :-)

Hey, you've got some mighty nice ear lobes there for first generation mixeduppities. And all of the birds look elegant. jj
Katherine, your birds are totally inspiring. I hope I can be as patient with my son and his aspirations as your Mom has been with you. Good luck and see you in Stockton.
Rose and Kevin, Oregon
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