It's been another one of those busy weeks. I'm really making good progress on the chicken illustrations, but still have a whole lot of work ahead of me. It's practically time to start getting ready for the PPBA show. Time is flying...
We got over an inch of rain here yesterday (was that just yesterday?!) so hopefully the pasture grass will start to grow now. Everything has turned to mud, the horses won't be clean again until, oh...April or so. :-)
I got interviewed a couple days ago by a reporter for the Tampa (FL) Tribune. Wow, how cool is that?! He saw my foil sculptures on my website and wanted to talk to me about then for a "humorous" article about what to do with leftover foil (it's for the food section).
I ordered a bunch of frames yesterday for various art pieces. I am *finally* able to send out some of the chicken illustrations, and worked out arrangements with a few sponsors for me to custom frame them, and I gotta say, they are going to look SOOO good. It takes me a very long time to pick out frames and mats at the shop. You can make or break artwork by what you do with the frame and mat, so it's important to pick just the right thing. Framing can be a tough sell. It's expensive, and has really gone up a lot in just the last few years. People who don't buy much artwork don't tend to realize how much it costs, and sometimes it's hard to convince people that is really is worth the expense to get a personalized frame job using the absolute best materials. I'm trying though. I want my Standard drawings to last forever, and I'm more concerned that they look good and are well-preserved than I am about making much income on framing (and yet I wonder why I don't have much money...sheesh). ;-)
I've been spending a lot of late nights drawing. The mornings of course suffer because of this, but I've decided that's okay, it just shifts the day sort of later than "normal hours." I just bundle up at night and turn on the portable heater and I'm good to go. Of course it can get pretty rowdy in here late at night, me and my "co-workers" running around wild. I thought I'd share some pics to show you these crazy co-workers of mine:

Fuzzby toasting her buns by the heater. I don't know how she can handle that. Its gets REALLY HOT that close to that heater. Maybe she's just so darn old she doesn't notice. That's her new favorite spot...

And Olin of course is always the life of any party. We got these new beds for the dogs, and they are still in the front room here where they were unpacked (haven't actually put them into the dog house yet) but Olin has decided they make super great cat beds. They're sized for large dogs, but no matter, they'll do! And I must say, the "composition" in which he is sleeping is incredible! Look at how his front leg and tail and like mirror images! Wow! If you squint your eyes and tilt your head about 45 degrees to the right he's almost perfectly symmetrical!
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