The weather is pretty much insane. I kinda like it though, so I'm really not complaining. It's been very mild, and today we have thunderstorms, rain, and tornado warnings in the north part of the county. Tornado? California? Interesting. As much as I positively loathe hot weather though, I really am fine with this. Speaking of hot weather, it's going to be about a billion degrees and humid in the south when I am there, I'm not happy about that. It'll give me something to whine about though. It seems strange that a year ago I was on the cross-country road trip already, had been for several days. Man that was fun!
All's well with the chickens. I have one more batch of eggs hatching this weekend and that's it. I'd have to tally up how many I hatched, certainly more than I planned on, only because nothing went as planned this year with the colors that I wanted to hatch. C'est la vie, right?
My friend Kelly came over on Saturday morning and photographed my horses. She paints horses. I'll show you two of the photos, she got some great shots!


Yesterday I got a call from a friend who was cutting hay and mowed over the nest of some mystery birds. So I ended up with 4 mystery babies and 4 mystery eggs. Turns out they are Common Moorhens, and they are hilarious little things! I'm not raising them, I don't know anything about them and besides I leave soon, so this morning they went to a super nice lady who works with a local wildlife rehab organization, and happens to live a few miles away. Three eggs are still working on hatching, and those will go too. But I had a lot of fun interacting with these highly entertaining babies overnight!

And that's about it. Lots to do, so I'd better get back to it!
What color are the eggs?
buff colored with brown splotches. I'll post a pic, maybe tomorrow.
OMG those are some funny looking chicks! What made them so entertaining? Did they run into everything? -BMc.
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