There is a glass egg that I use sometimes in the chicken nest boxes if they need a little help figuring out where to lay their own eggs. A "dummy egg" in the nest will inspire a hen to put her eggs there too. There is one pen of birds which has been continually laying eggs in their feeder. So two days ago I put the glass egg in their nest box. This glass egg came from my great aunt, it was "vintage."
Yesterday they laid two eggs in the nest box. Yay!
Last night night, in the moment of being almost asleep, I suddenly realized that I should have seen THREE eggs in the nest box that afternoon... one glass and two real. I couldn't remember if I had. This bothered me.
I checked first thing this morning, and indeed the nest box was empty. Perhaps I'd left it in the other coop and not brought it over at all... No, that was not the case. Perhaps I set it down somewhere and never put it in the nest box. No. I was sure I put it in the nest box. But it was gone.
In the other corner of the pen, directly across from the opening of the nest box, was a rat hole (as I mentioned, it's like the plague out here right now, this mortifies me). Hmmm.... Methinks the rat stole the glass egg.
So after getting back from breakfast with friends, while my neighbor was over here visiting, I set out to dig for the egg. I dug, and dug, and dug. I dug up feet of tunnels, but never found it. It must have gone down a tunnel I never found. And while digging, my neighbor's 4-year old son kept telling me to put my gloves on, because my hands were getting dirty. A little dirt doesn't bother me, I said. Well I should have listened to him, because suddenly out popped a big rat, and I'm not dumb enough to grab them without gloves on. And I sure wasn't expecting it to be there. So, I missed that one AGAIN. Arg! I think that was the third time I've missed that one.
Luckily Angus and I made an excellent team and were able to reduce the rat population by one in another pen a few minutes later.
I am bothered that the glass egg is gone. Strange, very strange.
Yes, my life is weird. It's okay.