So these are some random pics from the last week that I keep forgetting to post. All photographs taken with Nikon D80 and Tamron 200-400mm lens (all shot at 400mm I'm sure!).
This is from when I went to the Cosumnes Preserve last week, for some reason I forgot to upload it then. Northern Shovelers:

Western Bluebird (male) in the foreground and a Yellow-Rumped Warbler in the background on the front fence. Photographed through the window:

Nuttall's Woodpecker (male). Photographed through the window:

American Goldfinch (male in nonbreeding plumage). Photographed through the window:

When you say photographed through the window, does that mean the window of your car or through your studio window? Just wondering. You know, I never did see a single bluebird or goldfinch in the whole time I was in CA. Isn't that wild!?! -BM
That would be the house window. Come on, you know these are taken in the front yard! I don't drive in the yard! ;-)
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