Friday, October 07, 2005

Art & Whine

Tonight was the Art and Wine show. It was quite different than any show I've been to before. I didn't sell anything (was only allowed to bring two art pieces) but I also didn't expect to sell anything, so that's not a problem. I can't believe it's just a few days til the show in Auburn. Oh, I need to post all the official info for that one. Gack! I'll do it tomorrow, I'm too tired to think that much tonight. (yes, I'm THAT boring that it's just after 10:30pm on a Friday and I'm telling my blog that I'm tired.)

I noticed I haven't posted any pics in the last couple ramblings, I just haven't been photographing much. I did go on a boat ride last week when my grandparents were up here, so here's the best shot: leaving downtown Sacramento.

Keep your fingers crossed for Gwen tomorrow. I'm curious what the x-rays will show, but also kinda scared to find out. She's walking better now with her shoes off, but she can't stay barefoot. It feels like a good sign though that the decrease in heel pressure (just from removing the shoes) seems to help. Fingers crossed...

One week til the first open poultry show of the season! Woo hoo!!!!!! Not that I'm excited or anything. :-)

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