I don't know how many people this will reach here in the next 24 hours, but anything's worth a shot.

Just look at that handsome face, somebody needs this dog! And this dog needs a home! He showed up here on September 30th, but I think he's been on the streets a long long time. He's extremely thin, and people have told me they've seen him around for a while. I penned up because I'm a soft-hearted person who doesn't want to see him get hit by a car, but I can't keep him. Angus unfortunately is the jealous insecure type and has been acting aggressively toward him.

I call him Rocky, but you can call him anything you want if you'll just call him yours. He's soooo sweet, just wants to be around people all the time, eager to please, and a quick learner. He hasn't much if any training. He's definitely not leash trained, and I doubt he's housebroken. He's an intact male, so you'll want to get him neutered. When I took him to the vet to get him scanned for a microchip (none), they guessed he's about two years old. Goodness knows what breeds he has in him, I'd guess a Shepherd mix?? He is not food aggressive, nor is he possessive of toys. He ignores the neighbors' cat. He very much wants to play with my dog, but my dog doesn't think that's a good idea, so they're not together. Did I mention he's incredibly sweet? I brushed a LOT of mats out of his fur and he didn't mind at all.

I've put up fliers, I've put up ads, I've contacted vets, and unfortunately I'm going to have to take this sweet boy to the pound tomorrow if I can't find a home in the next 24 hours. That breaks my heart. Please please please consider this dog. He's a sweetheart who just wants to love someone. Email me, call me, just get in touch if you can help! katherineplumer@gmail.com or 916-215-7385. I am willing to drive a few hours to deliver him to someone. I REALLY don't want to take him to the pound but I'm running out of options and he's not a good fit in this household with my dog.
Have you had any luck? Dogs having to go to the pound breaks my heart. There aren't any no kill shelters?
He was adopted late tonight!!! He's got a new family, and a doggie "sister" who thinks he's pretty fun to play with! I am sooooooo relieved.
Nothing better than a story with a happy ending first.
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