Tuesday, January 25, 2011

January 25 work in progress

I might finish these tomorrow. If not tomorrow, then Thursday. At least that's the plan. I just need to finish their beaks and faces and do a little something with the background/border. That's a Keel-billed Toucan on the top, and a Toco Toucan on the bottom. In hindsight I maybe should have switched these around (since the left side is the more traditionally photographed side, but the Keel-billed is more colorful) but I put the Toco on the "front" because it's sort of the classic Toucan look that people are familiar with... I think. At any rate, I'm very happy with how it's coming along.

I will do something with the background. Probably just some shading near the border like I did on the cheetah knife, but I'll see where things stand time-wise when I finish the birds themselves. Full-coverage leafiness would be super awesome, but would go way over budget.

I will eventually get a good photograph of the entire assembled knife. My photos when I finish will be mediocre because I am terrible at photographing metal AND scrimshaw together and trying to get good lighting on both. But I'll try...

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