Anyway, it's been super crazy busy, the weekend was a blur. Last week was a blur. Same with the weekend before.
On Friday I went on a tour of the Gladding McBean factory with my mom and grandpa (who had been visiting for a week). I freaking love Gladding McBean. I've been on the tour 3 times (it's for the Feats of Clay show). They manufacture ceramic sewer pipes, roof tiles, etc from local (Lincoln, CA) clay. There is a huge amount of fascinating old stuff in the factory, and I just am crazy about that place. Brings back a lot of memories of doing ceramics work in college, and yes I will admit I definitely miss sculpting!

Sewer pipes!

Walking amidst the beehive kilns (HUGE!)

This brings back memories of firing kilns! Though the ones at school were of course much smaller!

Today I made cupcakes for a baby shower/BBQ and I used a whacky frosting recipe from The Pioneer Woman's site. It's cooked. And whipped. And wonderful. But it looks weird, which might scare people. But the cupcakes are even from scratch. That's just how I roll. Super yum, as a friend of mine would say!

I've started working on sewing tablecloths for Blade Show. 8 yards of black velvet and 3 yards of cream satin. Oh my. Good thing I'm driving, I'd exceed the airline luggage weight limit just with all this darn fabric! But it'll look amazing. I wish there was a bigger table to stretch it all out on for pinning/cutting/sewing!

I was going to caption this "do these ducks look indecisive to you? They seem a little on the fence to me." and then I realized they're not really on a fence per se, just posts, but you get the idea.

Oh. Em. Gee. I am so tired.
I want a cupcake! The frosting does not look wierd, it looks YUMMY! Sometimes when I feel hopelessly on the fence about something, then I just duck the issue altogether - hardy har har! -BMc.
Looking forward to seeing your work and meeting you at Blade. I would love to have you do a pendant scrim of our chocolate lab, maybe I will bring some pictures to the show or post them on facebook for you to look at and shoot me a quote. My wife's birthday is in early November, is your backlog longer than that?
Steve Seib
Steve, it'll be great to meet you! At the moment November would not be a problem. But the best thing to do would be to email me the pics to get a quote ( I know I'll be asked for quotes at Blade Show, but it's darn hard to give any sort of accurate price range without actually seeing what a potential client has in mind, knowing what size, etc.
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