Okeedokey, this is the last piece I'm doing before I hit the road for Wyoming! I really had this grand notion that I'd finish a "big" (ha ha, size is so relative when it comes to scrim/engraving!) piece but I never got beyond sketching it out before running out of time. Sigh. Oh well, gotta save some of my great ideas for later, right? ;-)

Longhorn pendant
scrimshaw on pre-ban elephant ivory
30mm diameter
Those horns look better on that pendant than on the hood of a Caddilac.
Beautiful work!
I don't know about you but longhorns have BIG horns so that counts as a big project! -BMc
I LOVE this one! Have fun at the show!!! Jen C.
I love the look on that Longhorn's face! And I love how it's kind of "stepping" out of the boarder.
is he for sale?
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