Thursday, December 11, 2008

the stars are stacked against me

Boy, things are just not working out too well in the horse-riding department this fall. The endless postponement and eventual cancellation of the week up north... And now Saturday's ride at Mount Diablo is off due to inclement weather. Sigh. I was really excited about that, but riding there in rain and high wind... eh no.

It's that time of year when it's pretty hard to plan anything more than about two days in advance because you never really know what the weather is going to do. We NEED rain though. I usually don't ride much this time of year (Jan/Feb) because it's so muddy, but I have a new riding buddy (with a truck!) and access to a trailer we can borrow (thank you JJ!) and we have lots of plans for whenever the weather decides to cooperate. :-)

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