Monday, December 08, 2008

random thoughts

Okay, so I can't post any more art works in progress til after Christmas. Bummer, I know! I will tell you that one's a drawing and one's a scrim, just to whet your appetite a bit.

I went down to Stockton today to meet with an engraver (I am lucky to have so many engravers in driving distance!). I didn't have a lot of time today but had a great time down there studying some castings of bulino engraving and learning about the different styles. Bulino is a type of engraving using dots and lines (there are some similarities to scrim), photorealistic figurative work, really exciting to me. There are so many different avenues within engraving, different styles and different "things" that get engraved, so looking at a lot of sample work really helps me fine tune the idea of where I want to go with it. And what I want is to do bulino. I want to learn more than that, I want to be competent at scrolls, because the two often go together, but the figurative stuff is where I want to focus. I saw some pictures in books today that just blew my mind, it was engraving on guns and knife bolsters that had no scrollwork, only bulino scenes. Absolutely stunning. I want to do that. Inspiration strikes! However, since classes are a tad out of budget, I need to get my hands on some books. I want these two books (should any random strangers have the overwhelming urge to get me a Christmas present, these are available from or, ha ha, hey a girl can wish) ;-)
1) Firmo & Francesca Fracassi – Master Engravers
By Stephen Lamboy & Elena Micheli-Lamboy, Edited by S.P. Fjestad & Dag Sundseth
2) Advanced Drawing of Scrolls - 2nd Ed.
by Ron Smith

It's been cold here and overcast/foggy for a while, I haven't seen the sun for... days?

The dogs are actually wearing little doggy coats now. Nothing sissy, mind you, they are like little horse blankets. They are both old and creaky and seem to appreciate the extra warmth, particularly Nellie as the Cushing's Disease has made her lose a lot of hair.

I've been thinking about a few dilemmas. One is I can't decide what candy to make for Christmas this year. I'm not sure how much I'll be shipping this year (that add$ up!). Buckeye balls, fudge, chocolate mint fudge are the usual, but the chocolate buttercream truffles I made for Valentine's day last year were absolutely to die for. But I can't make four batches of candy for Christmas, that's overkill. Hmm. (I know, seriously, tough decision).

I also need to figure out what I am going to do about showing chickens in 2009. Everyone knows I've cut back, and it's really no secret my heart just isn't there like it used to be. Heck, how many months has it been since I've read the Press?? Yeah, things have changed. And I just can't afford to travel to all the shows. There are four that I know of this winter. The most I would possibly make it to is two. I hate to miss going to Eureka, because I sure enjoy that, but I think it's unlikely I'll be able to pull off the 600+ mile round trip this year. And I have a date conflict with the show in Stockton (plus I wouldn't go anyway, ahem). So.. I guess maybe I ought to plan to head down to Hollister and then just play the rest by ear, knowing it may not work out. I have to go to one. I miss my poultry people! I just think that travel expenses ought to be for going to art/engraving shows.

I'm not sure I'll be doing much hatching in 2009 either. We'll see.

Anyway, I think I'll do a little more mystery art and then hit the hay.


  1. Mystery art! Sounds spooky, like you shoudl have been doing it in time for Halloween! - BM

  2. Consider the gift books covered.
