Monday, February 18, 2013

chicken romance, and recent shenanigans

Two shows in two weekends is a lot of work.  And while I'll REALLY miss my friends when show season is over, like I said in an earlier post I've got that "aaack I need to stop traveling and get stuff done" feeling.  The weekend of the 9th I was in Ferndale, CA, for a poultry show.  I'd never been to Ferndale before, the show used to be in Eureka, and it was a pleasant change to a quiet little dairy-cow town.  The weekend was so much fun I'm pretty sure that it must have violated some sort of rules.  Good friends, good times.  :-)

And the birds are doing well this year.  To my amazement, I got Best RCCL with one of the BBRed cockerels at that show.

And everyone sang Happy Birthday to me at the banquet.  Awww!  :-)  That may have been my best 29th birthday yet.  ;-)

Indy got a new lady friend when he was in Ferndale.  This is Stella, she's a Thai Asil like him (well, he may be a mix, who knows).  I don't plan on raising these beasts, they are difficult to house, but the two of them are pretty much joined at the hip now and I do plan on selling eggs.

This last weekend was another poultry show down in Fresno, and another omg-so-much-fun couple of days.  One of my BBRed cockerels took Best of Breed, beating out some nice Black pullets.  Yeah!  I took Indy to the show too, because they have a very large and well-respected Game Fowl show there.  He won his weight class, squee!  And yes I'm immature enough to think the plaque is HILARIOUS!  Insert jokes here...  ;-)  I'm sure he's proud.

Here's Jen and I with our boys (I'm in the plaid shirt):

So there is just one more show that I will be attending this season, and that's at the very end of March in Red Bluff, which is only about 45 minutes away.  I am hoping we can get the breeding pens done within the next few weeks so I can bring up the rest of the birds and start setting eggs.  I'm going to give myself a 6-week window in which to hatch eggs... whatever I get is what I get.  But I want to be done by June, and as you know... time flies.


  1. Congratulations! I know this is a very big deal ( no matter what the plaque says :> ) The birds are gorgeous and I wish you good luck. I hope you post pictures of the finished pens and the whole shebang, I am very interested.My grandson & I show chickens , but don't travel far from home and he especially reads everything he can on raising, breeding, and showing chickens. (Just Chickens)

  2. Thanks, I'll definitely try to post pics in an album somewhere when it's all said and done. I have a lot on my personal facebook page, but can't seem to make that accessible to anyone who isn't connected with me there... hmmm...
