Tuesday, August 10, 2010

White-tailed Kites

There is a pair of White-tailed Kites nesting along the creek. I think they may be working on the second brood? I've seen some around that I can ID as juvenile, and yet there is still a bird sitting tight on the nest. I like them.

A Kestrel, a Red-shouldered Hawk (heavily molting!) and a White-tailed Kite all in the same pic!

This is a juvenile Kite:


dougzilla said...

Yeah, well we have big green parakeets around here that were released several hundred years ago by King Someone the Someoneth (I'm pretty good at my history). ;-)

Jan Blawat said...

I'm glad all those raptor things are at your place and not hanging around my pigeons. We have lots of buzzards, though. Looks like there were 4 babies this year along the river. You can tell the babies when they're soaring together because the babies have to flap their wings pretty often. Well, and their wings are still a bit shorter.

Katherine Plumer said...

Well, of those three species in the pic the Red-shouldered Hawks are the only ones that are problematic. The kestrels nest in a box just outside the barn, I like having them around! I saw a mouse in the barn yesterday, first one I've seen in months. Obviously somebody's slacking...

Anonymous said...

or the mice are getting smarter! -BMc