Tuesday, September 15, 2009

stuff and things

Yesterday I babysat the cutest child in the universe (my niece). She was perfect, and so darned adorable I had to take about a billion pics. But I'll just show you one. We had to do the girly thing and smoosh our heads together for a photo. I don't usually have to flop out on the floor for that, but whatever it takes.

This morning was hay delivery day. :-)

On another note, there was an ad on my facebook page today for "elite mature singles" dating, that showed a, uh, distinguished older gentleman. Wait a minute here... Why did they decide that that's my demographic?? I don't think I fall into the "mature" category just yet. There's another one titled "get yourself a man!" or something like that. Makes me think of Jessica Rabbit.

Check out this egg I found in one of the coops today. Yes, it's really an egg! Sometimes the chicken oviduct does some pretty whacky things. That's the weirdest one I've seen.

I also found a tree frog in one of the chicken feeders. That seemed like a very dry and dusty place to be, so I dunked it in some water before I took this photo. Pardon the schmootz (schmutz?) on it's face...

Imagine this scene this evening. I'm sitting at the microscope dutifully working. Outside, a shriek.

Mom: "Katherine!!! Come look at this snake!"

Katherine runs outside, imagining a python or 6 foot rattler on the back porch.

Katherine, with delight: "Ooooh! A king snake!"

I don't see a lot of king snakes around. It was little, just over a foot long. I picked it up and had a good look. Aggressive little thing! I always wear gloves for that!


  1. What a cute baby! Wow that baby can take great photos! I bet she loves you to pieces! Just wait until you can show her the chickens! I bet she hugs them all! What a cool snake! I have never seen a king snake. Maybe it was being aggressive because it didn't like your mom yelling at it so loudly. The pistol grips look awesome. Will they be in color? -BM

  2. You (or the hen) win the prize for weirdest egg I've ever seen. Hope the snake stays around, goodbye mice, maybe even rats eventually. And I'm glad you've finally found a kid you like, have a great time with her, it will only get better!

  3. BM- hmm, I don't think I have any chickens that would appreciate being hugged. Or even caught! The grips will be in black and white.

    Jan- yeah, that egg was bizarre! And I've seen some real doozies from these birds. I like finding snakes around, except I don't like them eating the frogs! I think it's great when a gopher snake decides to camp out in the coop. Mom won't collect eggs if that happens though. ;-)

  4. Wow, was I surprised to see your weird egg. I just heard about another a week or so ago, check out this link http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/local_story_245232118.html (please excuse the annoying commercial) do you think something cosmic is going on???

  5. Wow, weird to see another one! I guess I should have kept mine.

  6. You didn't keep the weird egg??!!!!! I had a little pile of "tiny ones" for months until I threw them out (I kept wanting to sow them to our poultry project kids).
    Your neice is so adorable! I think she looks alot like her dad right now, but I can see L in there, too! hehe.
    We found a huge Corn snake out in our garden area a few months ago....it had a neat pattern as well, alot like the pet snake Avery had (it was an Okatee (sp?) Corn snake - but it died). --CS
