Thursday, August 20, 2009

it's a major award!

That's "A Christmas Story" reference in the title, I'm not being sarcastic. (Why do I feel the overwhelming need to explain that?)

It was so hard to get up this morning. I was up super late last night working really hard blogging. Eventually, I went to bed. I sleep with my window wide open, and a mountain of blankets on my bed so I get all bundled up if it's cold (I kinda like my room a little chilly). My window (it's about 18 inches above my head if I'm in bed) looks out on the garden/orchard. It got pretty windy last night, enough that it made my door (on the other side of the room) start to rattle. Ugh, I can't stand that. But I was in that glorious almost-asleep state of being mushy and soft, when thoughts are starting to get weird and spiral off into dreams. I dragged a pillow on my head at a snail's pace but it didn't drown out the rattling door. I reached up and slid the window closed. Instantly I missed the breeze. Sigh, I would just have to get up. I pulled a dirty sock out of the laundry hamper and wadded it under the door so the door would stop moving, crawled back into bed and was instantly asleep. I have been having the weirdest dreams lately, I think maybe someone spiked my toothpaste or something. I don't generally remember them lately, but wake up several times in the middle of the night thinking "that was very weird."

Anyway, I pried myself out of bed this morning and spent some time working on the fence. Here's the official update:

2856 total feet to be hot wired
1112 feet currently hot wired
608 feet worth of insulators installed today (not yet wired)

I stopped because my stomach told me it was time for lunch. It was right.

Then it was off to Sacramento to pick up some frames at the shop. One is for Draft Horse Classic, one will be going to a scrimshaw show on the east coast next week.

I had a little time to work on scrim this afternoon, but it was interrupted by not being able to keep my eyeballs open, so I took a 45 minute nap on the couch. Fed the critters, had a small early dinner, and headed off to Sacramento again...

Tonight was the award reception for the State Fair Fine Art Show. Jan went with me.

My award is bigger than my art!:

But yes, it's really my art:

Of course, we had to drop by Fur & Feathers too:

Hey who's that little cutie on that poster that was designed by an awesome scrimshaw artist a few years ago?:


Now, I have spent an entire year craving an ice cream sundae at Leatherby's. This was always a tradition after the Avian Bowl competition. Avian Bowl moved to southern CA though, so I was facing a State Fair without Leatherby's, and this just could not happen, I'm pretty sure the universe would come crashing down or something. So I determined that Leatherby's must be part of the evening plans, and thankfully J was game for this.

Ahh, what I look forward to all year, a Rachel's large sundae, peppermint ice cream, hot fudge sauce, whip cream and nuts! Oooooh yeah baby, bring it on!

And here's one of my favorite ways to spend some time in the evening, me + couch + Olin, yay!:

I hope your day was equally exciting! I think I'll call it a night, and I hope to dream of hunky cowboys.


  1. Aw man, Leatherbys! Good times. I am so sad that the tradition is gone. I loved to partake in it when I was there. I think I ended up with a Rachel's too from time to time, except no peppermint in mine. CONGRATULATIONS on the big win! We all know your art is amazing, and at least the state fair recognizes it too! Thanks for the link to Jan's site. Jan - if you read this, you look great! Oh, did you happen to meet Youneeda Labotomy while you were in Fur and Feathers? -BM

  2. We did not see your favorite person there. I would have told her how much you miss her though, had I seen her.

  3. LOL....ok, that made my day! :-)
