Wednesday, August 26, 2009

hors d'oeuvres are yummy

I like it when company comes over, it's an excuse to make stuff.

Like these, mmmm yummy wonderfulness (cherry tomato + basil + mozzarella cheese):

I also baked a blackberry cheesecake (a classic New York cheesecake with blackberry sauce, made from the berries that grow out back along the creek). If there is an afterlife, I hope cheesecake factors into it in a large way. Cheesecake. I even love the word.

I greatly enjoyed a visit from relatives (MT and JT) who I had not seen for two years (three years? when was that reunion anyway?!) I always get confused as to what constitutes a second cousin versus a cousin some number of times removed, so I pretty much just say we're relatives and leave it at that. The guest room has been a busy place lately. My Aunt M was here a couple weeks ago. Brother D will be here from across the pond this weekend. His birthday was back in July, so we'll have to do a belated birthday celebration... that calls for ice cream cake! Bwahahaha!


  1. Tell your brother to update his blog more often. When I read he was flying in I thought, "He's sitting all that time on a plane with a bike-chafed bottom?" But that's probably OK now.

  2. I'll tell him. Maybe you should "follow" him so he knows I'm not the only one who reads it. ;-) He's been in Southern CA since Sunday, arrives here on Saturday.

  3. Mmm mmm, your food pictures always make me hungry! I'll have to make those hors d'oeuvres sometime. They're so simple and so pretty...and they look so yummy too.

  4. And the hors d'oeuvres tasted as good as they look!
