Thursday, July 30, 2009

one-track mind

I get extremely focused on things. I do this with the artwork too, it makes it so I have a hard time working on multiple projects at once, because I get TOTALLY focused on one. I guess that's not a bad thing. Starting new projects is always a bit of a struggle, and then it sorta clicks and I'm in, and when it gets near the end it's seriously all I do and all I think about.

Right now that focus is the fence. It's absurd. I work on it, I think about it, I talk about it, I even dream about it. Really, I dreamed about hot wire last night, and in the dream I figured out where to set up the electric unit without having to try to put the grounding rods into the gravel driveway. Brilliant!

Fence update:
Top Rail: 1452 feet done, 812 feet to go
Hot Wire: Went shopping yesterday, and compared prices at Tractor Supply and the feed store. Can you say Oh My Gosh? Just a little comparison, the very same charger unit... TSC $68, feed store $124. Same brand, same EXACT THING. Insulators 25-pack, TSC $7something, feed store $11something. I know where I'll be buying everything! Doing that on Saturday, trying to finish the top rails tomorrow.

JJ's post made me think maybe I should talk about the things I don't update about much.

Chickens! My last hatch was two weekends ago. I have no idea how many chicks I have. Less than 75 I'd say, but honestly I haven't counted. The colors that hatched are: Black, "Black Red" (Black X BBRed), Brassy Back, Blue Brassy Back, Blue Brassy Splash. Hope there's a few good ones. I'm not even thinking about shows. My how things have changed eh? "We'll see" is about all I can come up with.

Horses! They're super. Shylah isn't thrilled about life in the corral though, but somehow the crappy dead grass in the pasture manages to make her super-fat, so she stays in and gets grass hay and beet pulp. I remind her that some horses live in stalls, and she has a HUGE corral, but she's pretty good with the guilt trip. I even bought her a toy, one of those apple-shaped plastic doohickeys with the edible center part, the kind you hang somewhere. She's pretty much snubbing it. My horse snubbing something edible?! Wow. Maybe in time she'll at least want to destroy the plastic part. (Rolls eyes). I'm looking forward to this cooler weather, can finally do more riding!

Jessie dog. Ups and downs. Week by week, day by day. Two weekends ago I was going to schedule the heartbreaking appointment for the following week, and then she bounced back. Literally, bounced. She's goofy, happy, tries to run around. There are bad days sometimes, but as long as she is happy, it's not time. She's off her medication now. Her attitude seems better, her appetite is so much better, and as for her limping I don't see any change. My goal is just for her to be as happy as comfortable as possible, and when her health issues prevent that, it will be time. For now, she's a happy girl who just doesn't walk very well (not to mention the oldest dog we've ever had, 14.5).

Okay, off to bed, I'm going to try to do 812 feet of fence tomorrow. Yes, to answer one question, it is a sense of accomplishment for sure to be doing this all myself. But I still want a Farm Boy. ;-) (If you haven't seen The Princess Bride, do it! I love that movie!!!)

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