Thursday, July 09, 2009

checking in....

Yup, I'm still alive.

I finished the big project I've been working on, right on schedule and exactly on the mark with the time investment that I estimated. I need to photograph it tomorrow, and will post pics by the end of the weekend. It is going to be a difficult piece to photograph.

I still have not gotten the computer looked it, and it still occasionally makes strange noises. Almost only at night (right now, for example). I need to open it up, I know I know. I absolute hate doing that. Maybe it's haunted. Mom says there's something under the house, she heard it scratching around under there and Olin cat was pretty perked up about one of the ventilation holes. Great, that's not going to creep me out or anything...

Tomorrow I take my artwork in to State Fair. I still need to write my artist statement. And clean brooders. And make cookies. And a zillion other things.

I got a phone call this morning that I've been waiting a long time for, and it completely lifted my spirits (which are pretty good already! Other than some griping..) brightened my day, and plastered a smile on my face, and put to rest some worries that have been taking up way too much brain space lately. It's so good to be back in touch with someone I have missed like crazy. :-)

And with that, goodnight.


  1. I think I know about whom you are speaking and I have to say hooray! You deserve some cheer! -BM

  2. Hey, isn't your house on a slab? If not, it's not very far off the ground, it's not like a bear could be down there scratching away. More like gophers or moles. Or no, wait, it could be demons!!! Bwaaaah!

  3. BM, yup, you know who. :-)

    Jan, there's a pretty good size crawl space under the house. Not like someone could walk under it, but crawl for sure! You know how houses always creak from time to time, or you'll hear the water pipes make noise occasionally. Boy did it seem loud last night, and I wasn't sure if I was hearing something rustling around underneath, or the ducks in the garden. My heart was thumping so loud I had to get up and check for monsters under the bed just to make sure it was only myself that I was hearing! ;-)
